

更新时间:2021-07-07 08:21:19作者:admin2

In the past teachers like layout of the essay topic inside, the red and I must have my ideals and aspirations of the type.
   I just read, I will not to the point of the high-rise office buildings surrounded by modern equipment under the beginning of my day.

I'm not sure I will grow up after what is professional, but I'm sure I will not do teachers, doctors will not do.
The former, teaching, very high, but Wurenzidi evil and who pays?
To be fair, from small to large, we encountered the number of teachers? There are a few good teachers is mentioned or you have great admiration for ridicule rather than the curse?
Doctors, life-saving, high ethics, but the medical case will always be a bone of mysteries, I save you, but do not save, who complain?

High school three years in my life, I am afraid these are a nightmare, I do not mean to say that the junior high school I had the easy, but at least in test after test, I entered high school the focus, still some return, I had to tolerate.
  The failure of the college entrance examination is not in my unexpected, but now, I thank the failure of some, or I will not burn his choice to go abroad, or I will not be in this world to find their own.
I started to doubt if I return to school to learn the life I will not collapse.

7:00 to day running of schools, that is after the early morning study hall, as well as the four classes.

The afternoon classes from 2:30 to 7:00 on, 50 minutes after the break to give time for dinner and then went on to know Wanzi Xi 9:30.
Our school is not the end of school hours later, after the school's 10 schools and more yes.
   10:00 home does not mean the end of the study, do math, physics and chemistry are endless pile of exercise, I breathe, after the third year I seem to be no 100% completion of all the subjects of the operation because the market is endless And will not do.





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初赛没晋级的不都是三等奖,初赛奖励按比例设等级,初评,按10%一等奖、20%二等奖、30%三等奖进行分类。 全国少年之星创新作文大赛是全国性的作文比赛,目前已经举办了六届。 全国

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为了保证造林质量使所造新林能够成林并在成林后能达到预期目的,一般应严格掌握下列技术原则: ①适地适树。即所选择的造林树种应与造林地的自然条件达到协调统一。根据造林地

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