

更新时间:2022-02-10 05:44:18作者:admin2

幼儿园开场白亲爱小朋友们、老师们:大家好!新学期开始了,我们又回到了可爱的幼儿园,你们都长高了、长大了,幼儿园为你们买了新玩具、老师为你们创设了漂亮的教师、准备了好玩的活动,厨房的老师们还为小朋友做了营养丰富的饭菜呢。希望小朋友们每天都能高高兴兴的来幼儿园,吃得饱饱的、睡得香香的,开开心心地学本领、做游戏,成为聪明能干的小朋友!升国旗:首先举行升旗仪式。担任此次升旗仪式的升旗手的是来自大二班的小朋友们。the national flag-raising ceremony begins now! flag raisers are from class two grade four. i would like to call xxx、xxx、xxx to raise the flag. now please stand up for the national flag and anthem.下面请立正站好,高唱国歌。(礼毕)幼儿代表讲话:下面让我们由请大二班的幼儿代表王贺然小朋友上来发言。让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎他上场。now, let’s invite the children’s representative wangheran to make a speech.好,感谢王贺然小朋友的发言。园长讲话:新的学期,新的希望。下面我们用热烈的掌声欢迎陈园长为本次开学典礼致辞。new term, new hope. now, let’s invite our principal to make a speech.(teachers and children, let’s play games happily, take learning seriously andgrow up healthy together in our kindergarten.)从园长的发言中,我们进一步明确了新学期的奋斗目标和努力方向,今后我们一定会谨记园长的教诲,好好学习,努力工作。让我们再次用掌声感谢陈园长!from this speech, we will do work hard and study well. thank you the principal.家长代表讲话:家长是幼儿成长中的第一任教师,是幼儿园教育的重要合作伙伴。现在就有请家长代表上台讲话。parents are the first teachers of children. they are also our best partner.now let’s invite parents’ representative to make a speech.thank you for your support and confidence you have given us.李沐阳的妈妈讲的非常好,让我们再一次把掌声送给她。感谢她对我们工作的支持与信任。班级目标宣言新的学期,我们每个班都有一个目标,一个宣言。下面就有请各班的小朋友们大声的说出你们的目标宣言吧。i know almost everyone has your own dreams in your life. the dreams are very important to you. children, please speak out your aims.are you ready?小朋友,你们真棒!我相信,你们一定会实现你们的目标宣言的。i’m very proud of you!