欢迎您访问previous year和last year的区别!

previous year和last year的区别

更新时间:2021-11-29 22:50:18作者:admin2



比如你现在说去年的事情, 那就是last year.

比如你现在说2000的事情, 然后想说1999年(就是2000的前一年)就是 previous year


智能手机一部 微信6.1版 方法/步骤 1 打开你的微信6.1版本 2 点击右下角的“我”,点击“设置“ 3 点击”关于微信“ 4 点击”欢迎页“就可以看到你去年的点赞和被点赞次数了!


Review of Work in the Past Year.
Over the past year, I work with a positive attitude and full of enthusiasm into the work.summarized as follows:
I got along well with colleagues.and I learnt from them,so I get many experience and knowledges of work .the skill level, engagement and my ability has improved.Review of Work in the Past Year,I was satified with my work performance.I will continue to work hard and do it well later.