

更新时间:2021-04-20 13:54:26作者:网络

The rest artist says they got some of their best ideas from .the program because kids don’t think about the limitation about how hard can be the blow glass to the certain shape ,they just think good ideas.Now when you think of the glass,you might think of colourful chihulu designs,or maybe Italian vases.But kids chance glass sirs to go to meat vision .Now our inherent wisdom does’t have to be insider knowleadge Kids already do a lot of learning from adults and we have a lot to share.I think adults should start learning from kids.Now I do most of my speech in front of education crowd We heard that one too,but pioneer germ fighters totally ruled.I loved to write from the age of four,and when I was six,my mom bought me my own laptop equipt with Mricrosoft Word..Thank you Bill Gates and thank you mom.I wrote over three hundred short stories on that little laptop and I want to get published.Instead of scorning the heresy kid that one want to get published or saying wait until you are older,my parents were really suppotive..Many pubulishers were not quite encouraging.One large children publisher ironically says that they didn’t work with children. My wonder that children’s publisher not work with children. I don’t know you can island enlarge client there..Now one publisher Action Publishing, will really take that leap and trust me and listen what do I want to say and published my first book Flying Fingers.You see here.And from there on,it has gone and speaking a hundreds of schools key nodes for thounds of educators.And finally today,speaking to you,I appreciate you attending today because it showed you truly care,you listen. But those problems with rosy pictures that children are so much better than adults.Kids grow up and become adults just like you.All just like you ? Really?The goal is not to turn kids into your kind of adult,but rather better adult that you will be which maybe a little challenging consider you guys condencials. But the way progress happens,just because new generations and new era grow in development become better than the previous one.It was the reason we were not in the dark age any more.No natter your position and place in life,it isimperative(重要的,必要的) to creat opportunity for children,so we can grow up to blow you away.Adults followed in case of in TED,you need listen and learn from kids and trust us and expect more from us.You must lead an ear today,because we are the leaders of tomorrow. Take care of you,you are old No, just kidding.Actuelly,no,really,we are going to be the next generation the one who bring this world forward and in case you don’t think this really has meaning for you.Remember that clone is possible,that involves going to childhood again in which kids you want to be heard just like my generation.The world need opportunities for new leaders,new ideas,kids need opportunities to lead a succeed.Are you ready to make the match?Because the world’s problems shouldn’t be the human families’ heirloom.Thank you!



写作思路及要点:围绕时间的珍贵进行演讲,浓缩就是精华。 正文: 尊敬的老师同学们: 大家下午好!今天我演讲的题目是一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。 "一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买

2021-04-20 19:54


以安全为主题的演讲稿可以围绕以下要点而写: 1、主题紧扣。主题是演讲内容的主体和核心。演讲者在说明问题、发表主张或反映社会生活现象时,表达出的基本观点都要围绕主题。 2

2021-04-20 13:04


正常演讲语速下,应该在180字每分钟左右。 三分钟也就是540字。当然,前提是感情丰富适当停顿的速度。 如果不常演讲,仅仅是读稿子,每分钟可能要到250字左右。 演讲稿的结构分开

2021-04-20 10:20


只要你要、只要我有。倾我所能、尽我所有。我给过你的,给不了第二个人。你给过我的,也请不要再给第二个人。 【英文】As long as you want, as long as I have. Pour all I

2021-04-19 20:13


5分钟。 演讲的正常语速为一分钟200字左右。演讲的速率一般可分为快速、中速、慢速三种:快速表示激动,欢快紧张,兴奋的心情,每分钟200字以上。 要理解听众都希望成功,他们来听演

2021-04-19 14:26
