

更新时间:2021-07-07 12:19:14作者:admin2

Friends are the relatives who care about you, be there for you,make you happy, but not for any profit. Friends are soldiers who fight with you in the crucial minutes, but never give you stress. Friends are the confidant who undergo beside you in the toughest moment, yet by no means leave alone. Friends are the craftsmen who can mend your brokenheart, but just accept your smile as a payment.As long as our heart need concern, our lives need friends.

All people need friends, but not everyone has friends. Some people even do not know what a friend is.
A friend is someone that shares idears with you and can help you and support you when necessary.
A friend needs your time and care in time.
A good friend can stand with you always nomatter in shine or in storm.
A bad friend draws you to fall together.
Good friends build you, bad friends rot and rob you!

The proverb says "The friend inneed is the friend indeed", but today I heard another explaining: means "hello,how are you? and byebye!" On the other hand, I think the person who said the word wouldn't to make a friend to the person he said with. Ah, I know the person's word and I will do it!。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。Every marriage requires commitment, dedication and work. An international/intercultural marriage requires even more attention because of the many obstacles that a couple faces.

The obstacles come from family, friends, personal values, expectations, and bureaucratic procedures. Some of the problems these relationships face include:

Language Barrier

Differences in Values

Religious Conflicts

Sex Role Expectations

Economic Adjustments

Fear of Abandonment by Family, Friends, Spouse

Political Issues

Legal Complications

To overcome these barriers, intercultural couples need to:

Learn about one another's cultures.

Communicate well in at least one language.

Be open and honest with their families.

Accept that cultural roots go deep and that people don't change easily or quickly.

Focus on the positives.

Look at what they have in common with one another.

Talk with one another about which traditions they want to carry on as a couple and with their children.

Discuss their expectations in the areas of mealtimes, holidays, finances, sex, chores and roles.

Look at why it is difficult to let go of a tradition or expectation.
It isn't easy to deal with the legacy that we've all grown up with in our ethnic, religious and socio-economic backgrounds. Couples have said that the first five years of this type of marriage are the hardest.

The key to a successful intercultural marriage is to develop understanding and patience.





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