

更新时间:2021-06-21 14:27:16作者:admin2

My dream

Everyone has a dream, I also have, too.Three years ago, when I saw an aircraft, I wanted to become pilot.I want to fly  in the air,as like the bird.So I make an effort to study which can help me to complete my dream.Now,I am playing football which can increase my physical,in order to have a strong body.I also have studied how to control the plane,so I think I can complete my dream.


With the development of modern,there are many people have many different ways to successful.In my opinion,these people do not have the difference,because they need same effort.Firstly,whatever they use way to successful, they should spend a lot of time and energy.Moreover,they also do not afraid of tired.Secondly,they should have many knowledges which can help them to complete their work.At last but not least,they also can catch the chance when it slips their body.3.How to use computer to study

Firstly,people can use computer to search information online which

can help you improve your study.Secondly,people can use some

softwares to teach them how to study and get more information

which can help them.


We should wear school uniforms

Firstly,as a student ,we should have  uniforms for ourself.Because

the suitable uniforms can make people to have a good spirit,

moreover the same uniforms can show the good discipline and the

same active.Secondly,the uniforms are also brought very cheap.

Finally,we like wearing the school uniforms,because it is a symbol.

Above this, we should wear school uniforms


Nowadays, there has been a rapid technology growth in both developing and developed countries, so a lot of new communication methods have come out. One popular modern method of communication widely used all over the world is the computer because it is convenient and useful, but it can destroy the values of society, because it can be used in improperly and cause personal and corporate loss. In a society, many people use computers and find information on the internet, but there is a lot of harmful information available and hackers can break into private or company files.6.I am a guide,I will tell about  custom of China and take you to the viewpoint.With the reform and openning of China,more and more foreigners come to China

and have a good hoilday.So we need to attentation some customs when

we go to other countries which we can enjoy a good holiday.As well

known, some customs are different between one country and other

countries,some customs are similary between one country and other

countries.For example, when  people gratitude to other peple, they

often say "thank you". But when peolpe praise chinese people who

are very modest,and say "just so so" ranther than"thank you"when

chinese people greet others, there also have a difference to

western.For example,chines peolpe often say "were you eat",but

western often say"good morning" Ok,I only introduce this, I wish

you have a good time.

先给你六篇 那两篇等我先完再给你




初赛没晋级的不都是三等奖,初赛奖励按比例设等级,初评,按10%一等奖、20%二等奖、30%三等奖进行分类。 全国少年之星创新作文大赛是全国性的作文比赛,目前已经举办了六届。 全国

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保护森林 森林与人类息息相关,是人类的亲密伙伴,是全球生态系统的重要组成部分.如果没有森林,陆地上绝大多数的生物会灭绝,绝大多数的水会流入海洋;大气中氧气会减少、二氧化

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为了保证造林质量使所造新林能够成林并在成林后能达到预期目的,一般应严格掌握下列技术原则: ①适地适树。即所选择的造林树种应与造林地的自然条件达到协调统一。根据造林地

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这两天,一条“陪孩子写作业,大人急到送医院”的朋友圈火了: “陪儿子写作业到五年级,然后心梗住院了,做了两个支架。想来想去命重要,作业什么的就随其自然吧。” 一位大彻大悟的母

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