欢迎您访问高等教育英文稿,英语作文:why do i go to college!

高等教育英文稿,英语作文:why do i go to college

更新时间:2021-06-30 07:56:15作者:admin2

There are many advantages to a college or university education. Students have ample opportunity to explore a variety of interests, increase both their general and specific knowledge, prepare for a chosen career and develop independence. All of these are valuable goals to achieve, but it is my belief that most students today pursue higher education insgroupsto prepare for their future careers.
In the past, only the rich and privileged had the opportunity to attend a university and their goals were very different. Coming from wealthy families, few of them would have to compete for a job after graduation, and most wished only to be considered well-educated. Today's students are more practical. They must be able to compete in a very competitive job market; therefore, a practical education is very important. Furthermore, higher education is a big investment and so most students want to get all they can out of it. For these students, it is better to have clearly defined career and education goals rather than to try and find themselves in college. Of course, all students want to increase their knowledge, but I believe that most students today want that knowledge to be relevant to their future careers.
The world has changed a great deal since universities were established. They are still wonderful places for acquiring broad knowledge and for personal development. However, in today's competitive world these pursuits must be balanced with the pursuit of more specific goals. That is why I think most students view higher education as a valuable tool in career preparation.



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