

更新时间:2022-02-17 09:24:47作者:admin2


补习班基本翻译opportunity class网络释义补习班:cramming school|Summer School|cram school成人补习班:Undeclared挑逗补习班:School for Seduction


Students are always looking forward to summer vacation. They consider summer vacation as the time of the year during which relaxing and having fun is the theme. When summer vacation actually arrives, however, I don’t think students will discover it as fun at all. Although it’s true that school is done by the time of summer vacation, but the students are not free at all: lessons of various skills and activities have filled their day and mountains of homework has buried their desktop. Even if some lucky ones managed to escape from those prisons, they are still troubled with the problem of how to spend their time, for there aren’t many friends available to play with. As a result, while students are occupied with works they never wished for, diminished is the joy of childhood.学生们总是盼望着暑假。他们认为暑假是一年当中放松和娱乐的时候。可是当暑假来临时,我不认为学生们会认为暑假是多么的有趣。的确,学校已经结束了,但是学生们还没有自由:各种补习班占据了他们的时间而小山一般多的作业则淹没了他们的书桌。就算有几个幸运的孩子可以从这些负担中逃脱出来,如何打发时间的问题却找上门来:因为没有几个朋友可以和他们一起玩。所以说,当学生们被那些讨厌的负担所困扰的时候,儿时的快乐却逐渐消失。

