

更新时间:2021-04-22 19:52:48作者:网络

下面这几个个英语合同样本相信对你有用Order Contract The Contract is made and between Shenzhen Dafang Decorative Design Engineering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Party A) and Shenzhen Dahan Artwork Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Party B), whereby Party A orders the following goods from Party B according to the terms as below:1. Description, quantity & spec. as follows:DescriptionSpec.UnitQty.Unit PriceAmountRemarksPicture album Lot1750,000.00750,000.00 Total in RMB (in words) seven hundred and fifty thousand only2. Delivery Term: Nov 30, 2007 3. Delivery Place & Destination: Shenzhen Dafang Decorative Design Engineering Co., Ltd., 7/F, Yonghui Tower, Guoqi Building, Shenzhen City 4. Payment Method: Cash on delivery 5. Packing Method and Cost: To be borne by Party A 6. Transport Method and Cost: To be borne by Party A 7. 8. The Contract is in two counterparts, and each party shall hold one copy. The Contract shall cease to be in force from the date of the delivery of goods and payment. Party A (Seal): Shenzhen Dafang Decorative Design Engineering Co., Ltd. Principal: Address & Tel: 7/F, Yonghui Tower, Guoqi Building, Shangbu South, Futian District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province Deposit Bank: Bank of China Dongyuan Subbranch A/C No.: 21806702408091001 Party B (Seal): Shenzhen Dahan Artwork Development Co., Ltd. Principal: Address & Tel: 301, Building 5, Huangbeiling Business Center, Yanhe Road North, Luohu District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province Deposit Bank: China Citic Bank Bagualing Subbranch A/C No.: 7441410182200630413 Date of Signature: Oct 18, 2007 Sales Contract The Supplier: Shenzhen Dahan Artwork Development Co., Ltd. (Party A)The Demander: Shenzhen Dafang Decorative Design Engineering Co., Ltd. (Party B) The Contract is made and between both parties, whereby Party B purchases the following goods from Party A according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:1. Description, quantity & spec. as follows:DescriptionUnitQty.Unit PriceAmountPicture albumLot1780,000.00780,000.00 Total RMB in wordsSeven hundred and eighty thousand only2. Delivery Place & Destination: Party A shall deliver the goods to the place designated by Party B.3. Packing Standard: Carton packing.4. Payment Method and Term: Cash on delivery.5. Acceptance Standard & Method: Subject to the sample provided by the Supplier.6. The Contract takes effect from the date of signature and seal, and is in two counterparts. Each party shall hold one copy, which are equally authentic. 7. Responsibility for Breach of Contract & Dispute Settlement: Both parties shall consciously observe and implement the contract. In case of contract dispute, both parties shall settle it through negotiation. If no agreement can be reached, both parties shall apply to the Economic Contract Arbitration Commission for Shenzhen Administration Bureau of Industry & Commerce for arbitration. The Supplier: Shenzhen Dahan Artwork Development Co., Ltd. Name of Entity: (Seal)Address: 301, Building 5, Huangbeiling Business Center, Yanhe Road North, Luohu District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province Authorized Agent: Zheng YiDeposit Bank: China Citic Bank Bagualing Subbranch A/C No.: 7441410182200630413 The Demander: Shenzhen Dafang Decorative Design Engineering Co., Ltd.Name of Entity: (Seal)Address: 7/F, Yonghui Tower, Guoqi Building, Shangbu South, Futian District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong ProvinceAuthorized Agent: Deposit Bank: Bank of China Dongyuan Subbranch A/C No.: 21806702408091001



1、一般白酒都有很强的地域垄断性,如果要打入市场必须找到愿意和自已合作的超市,尽量要优惠给到位,一般有的大超市要签订陈列合同。 2、新的品项有的经销商都白送给超市,让他们

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