

更新时间:2021-04-29 17:36:33作者:网络


table n
table tennis n
tail n
take (took, taken) v
tale n
talk v
tall a
tape n
task n
taste n & v
taxi n
tea n
teach (taught, taught) v
teacher n
team n
technology n
telephone n & v
television = TV n
tell (told, told) v
temperature n
ten num
tenth num
tennis n
tent n
term n
terrible a
test v & n
text n
than conj
thank v & n
that a, pron & conj
the art.
theatre (Am theatre) n
their pron
them pron
themselves pron
then ad
there int, n & ad
these pron
they pron
thick a
thin a
thing n
think (thought, thought) v
third num
thirsty a
thirteen num
thirty num
this a & pron
those a & pron
though conj
thought n
thousand num
thread n
three num
through prep & ad
throw (threw, thrown) v
Thursday n
ticket n
tidy a
tie v & n
tiger n
till conj & prep
time n
tiny a
tired a
to prep
today ad & n
together ad
toilet n
tomato n
tomorrow ad & n
ton n
tongue n
tonight ad
too ad
tool n
tooth (pl. teeth) n
toothache n
toothbrush n
toothpaste n
top n
total a & n
touch v & n
tour n
tourist n
toward(s) prep
towel n
tower n
town n
toy n
trade n
traditional a
traffic n
train n & v
training n
translate v
travel v & n
treasure n
treatment n
tree n
trip n
trouble v & n
trousers n
truck n
true a
trust v
truth n
try v
T-shirt n
Tuesday n
turn n & v
twelfth num
twelve num
twentieth num
twenty num
twice ad
two num
ugly a
umbrella n
uncle n
under prep
underground a & n
understand (understood, understood) v
unit n
university n
unless conj
until prep & conj
up ad & prep
upon prep
upstairs ad
us pron
use n & v
used a
useful a
usual a
vacation n
value n
vegetable n
vehicle n
very ad
victory n
video n
village n
violin n
visit v & n
visitor n
voice n
volleyball n
wait v
wake (woke, woken) v
walk v & n
wall n
want v
war n
warm a
warn v
wash v
waste n & v
watch n & v
water n
watermelon n
way n
we pron
weak a
wealth n
wear (wore, worn) v
weather n
website n
Wednesday n
week n
weekday n
weekend n
weigh v
weight n
welcome a
well (better, best) a , ad & n
west a & n
western a
wet a
whale n
what pron & a
whatever conj & pron
wheat n
wheel n
when conj & ad
whenever conj
where ad
whether conj
which conj
while conj & n
white a & n
who pron
whole a
whom pron
whose pron
why ad & int
wide a
wife n
will (would) modal v
win (won, won) n
wind n
window n
windy a
wine n
wing n
winner n
winter n
wise a
wish n & v
with prep
without prep
wolf n
woman (pl. women) n
wonder v
wonderful a
wood n
word n
work v & n
worker n
world n
worry v
worth a
would modal v
wound v & n
write (wrote, written) v
wrong a
yard n
year n
yellow a & n
yes ad
yesterday n & ad
yet ad
you pron
young a
your pron
yourself pron
yourselves pron
zebra n
zero n & num
zoo n



艺考分数线每年变化不大,如果你报考本省的学校,只要你过了这个分数线就行,其他都按艺术排名来,如果外省的学校文化就更低了,200分就行了。 2019各地艺考分数线 河南:普通高等学校

2021-04-29 16:41


华杰2019年中考分数线下: 实验中学录取分数线:504分 华杰中学分数线:462分 徐州市华杰实验学校首次参加中考就取得优异成绩:64人参加中考,有2位同学被徐州一中录取,5人考取610分以

2021-04-29 16:40


2020年中考录取分数线暂未公布。 在2019年市区普通高中440分,市区普通高中音乐、美术、书法特长生最低文化控制分数线352分;最低专业控制分数线,音乐专业成绩48分,美术专业成绩

2021-04-29 16:06


初中女生立定跳远的标准: 初一年: 及格(60分):140厘米 良好(80分):170厘米 优秀(90分):184厘米 满分(100分):196厘米 初二年: 及格(60分):144厘米 良好(80分):174厘米 优秀(90分):188厘米 满分(100分):2

2021-04-29 13:00


需要根据学校的具体要求和教育局的一些相关文件,在就诊的医生那里开取医学证明,证明你不适合参加体育比赛。 资料拓展:2018年中考免考政策规定 考生持相关证明,填写《初中毕

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中考体院单项面试是需要病历的。详细,请看下文免试规定: 1. 因肢体残疾丧失运动能力(须有残疾证)的考生,可申请免考。经审核批准同意免考的考生,免考申请表存入学生档案,体育考试成

2021-04-29 12:00
