

更新时间:2021-04-29 17:09:59作者:网络

able / unable / enable / ability / be able to do..// enable sb to do sth // disabled
about / about=around // move about
above / below /// above the sea level // above the clouds
abroad // go abroad / live abroad
absence / after a long absence // after ten years’ absence // absent // be absent from class / be present at the meeting
accident // have an accident
accurately / accurate // with great accuracy
achieve // -d // achievement // achieve great success =gain/get great success
across / go across the river / go across the bridge // cross // cross the road=go across the bridge // crossing // at the crossing
act // act as a reporter // action / take action // active / take an active part in ..// actively / activity // activities / outdoor activities // actor / actress // actors and actresses
add // added / addition // additional // in addition // add…to…
address /-es // What’s your address?
an advertisement // advertise
advice // a piece of advice // advise sb to do sth.
afraid // be afraid of (doing) sth
Africa // in Africa // African(s)
after // after hearing the news
afternoon / in the afternoon // on a snowy afternoon // on the afternoon of October 1st
again // again and again // again=once more
against // be against the law // // fight against pollution // be for ..=be in favour of ..
age // at the age of space // at the age of 8=at age 8 (过)// by the age of 8 (过完)
aged // The boy is aged 14. =This is a boy aged 14. //
agent // agency // travel agency
ago // ten years ago(过)//ten years before (过完)
agree/ agreed // disagree / disagreement // agree with (sb=one’s words=what one said )/ agree to do sth
ahead // walk straight ahead // ten days ahead=ten days in advance
aim // What’s your aim in life? / My aim is to save the patient. / aim at // He aimed at the lion.
air // No air, no life. // We can’t live without air.
air-conditioner / -s // air-conditioned bus
airline = airway // at the airline ticket
at the airport
alarm // set the alarm clock for 6 o’clock
alive // be alive // 表语系动词// keep ….alive //all / all money=all the money=all of the money // all students=all the students=all of the studnets
allow // allowance // allow sb to do sth// be not allowed to do sth=be not let to do sth.
almost=nearly // almost (否)// hardly = almost not
alone / He lives alone. =by oneself.// He feels lonely.
along // walk along the river // get along well with..// …along with ..
alphabet // alphabetical // in alphabetical order
already // yet (现完)
also // I can also swim.
altogether = in all = in total
always (一现)
a.m. // A.M.
amazing // amazed // sb. be amazed at sth. // feel amazed // be amazed at the news=be amazed to hear the news // amazing news
ambition / ambitious // One of my ambitions is to be an engineer.
America / in America // an American reporter // Americans
among // between
amount // huge amounts of information
amuse // amusement park // amusing // amused // amuse // an amusing story // The story amused us .
ancient // in ancient times

and // He can’t read or write.
angry // angrier // be angry with sb. // more angrily /
animal (s)
another // the other // have another try=have one more try // I don't like the shoes, would you please show me another pair? / another 5 days = 5 more days
answer // give me an answer // answer a letter // the answer to the question
any // any city // any other city
任何人 /任何事 / 任何地方 // nobody 转换成 too… for _____ to …
anybody/ anything // anywhere //
apologize // apology // apologize to sb for doing sth
appear // appearance // disappear
apple (s)
April / in April // on April 1st
area // cover an area of 2000 square metres // in the mountainous area
argue // argument // argue with sb// have a big argument
arm // take sb. by the arm
army // in the army // join the army (瞬间)
around // show sb around sp. // along ----around
arrange // arrangement // make an arrangement
arrive // arrive at the airport // arrive in Shanghai // arrival time // on my arrival home // His arrival surprised us.
art / artist
article // an 800-word article
as // such as // work as a nurse // as a student // as
Asia // in Asia // an Asian country
ask // ask the questions // ask for advice // ask for leave
assistant // assist
an astronaut
get off at Nanjing Road // at 6:30 // laugh at / aim at / point at
the Atlantic (Ocean)
attack // attack the police
attend = go to../// attend the meeting / attend the lecture // attend school=go to school // attend class=go to class
attentively // attentive // attention // pay attention to sth.// listen to the teacher attentively (carefully)
attract // attractive // attraction // He was attracted by his father’s words. / There are many attractive things.
August/ in August /on August 1st
aunt / at my aunt’s
Australia // Australian(s)
automatic // automatically // automatic door // automatic system // The door opens and closes automatically.
autumn // in autumn // on an autumn spring morning
award/awarded/award sb sth=award sth to sb/be awarded sth/be awarded to sb///an award/He gave me an award.
away/be far away from/My home is 2000 meters away from school.
awful/How awful the weather is!//awfully/more awful/awfully hot/awfully sorry/be awfully ill
back/give it back=return it/at the back of the classroom/go back home/go back to his home
worse/worst;badly/worse/worst///be badly hurt/be badly ill/be badly paid
balance/keep the balance of nature
balcony/balconies/a house with 2 balconies
bank/at the bank/electronic bank
bar/at the bar
base/set up a base/basic knowledge
basin/basins/a basin of water
.basket/a basket of apples
basketball/play basketball
bath/have a bath /in the bathroom//bathe
battle/in the Huaihai Battle
1)am/is/are 2)was were 3)have/has been
beach/on the beach
beautiful/morebeautiful/beautifully/more beautifully
because/because of illness/heavy rain/carelessness/honesty
become/became,become/become more and more popular
bed//go to bed/be ill in bed
bedroom/in the bedroom
beer/a bottle of beer
before//I have never read this book before.//before hearing the news
begin/began,begun/begin doing/begin…with/end…with///at the beginning of/at the end of
behind///He was left behind.
being//human beings
believe/belived/believable/believe in sb
bell/ring the bell//There goes the bell.=The bell is ringing.
belong/belong to you/him/them
below/above the sea level
belt/safety belt
beside//sit beside me
besides=what’s more/except=but
good/better/best//be better at
between//between you and me
bicycle=bike/bicycles/cyclist// go by bike
big//bigger//as big as=the same size as
bill//pay the bill//a 100-yuan bill
birthday/on his fortieth birthday
biscuit/biscuits/a packet of biscuits
a bit//a bit worried//a bit of money
bite/bit bit//biting/The dog bit his leg.
black (blackboard )
blanket//cover sth with a blanket
blind//He’s blind in his left eye. /The blind (are)
block/a block of ice
blow/blew,blown/blowing/blow to the mirror
board//board the plane=get on the plane=go aboard the plane
boat//go boating
boil/boiled/boiling//boiled food //boiling water
book//book the ticket/book the seat//bookstore/at the bookstore
boring//feel bored//bore//I found the lecture boring.=The lecture made us bored
born/bore/be born with the voice of a singer
borrow/borrowed//borrow from///lend to
both//both of them//I like both of them=I like them both.
beer/a bottle of beer
bottom//at the bottom of this page//There is some tea in the bottom of the glass.
brave//braver//bravely/more bravely//bravery//It’s brave of you to save him.
bread//2 pieces of bread
break/broke/broken//break the ice//have a rest=have a break//I found the glass broken.
breakfast//have breakfast
breath//hold one’s breath//out of breath//breathe
bridge//There’s a bridge over the river.//a 10-meter-long bridge//
The bridge is 10 meters long.
bright /brighter/brightly/more brightly/bright green//shine brightly//a bright boy
here//take/take …there
broadcast/live broadcast//listen to a broadcast of a football match
brush/brushes//brush one’s teeth
bund/the Bund
bus/buses//take a bus
business//on business//business letters//business magazines
businessman/businessmen//businesswoman/businesswomen//busy/busier/busily/keep sb busy
button/buttons/press the button
buy/bought//I spend 10 yuan buying this book.//sell/sold/sale
by//by the river/the door/window//by the end of last months(had done)//be done by sb//go by bus//by mobile phone//pass by
cake/cakes//make a cake to celebrate one’s birthday
calculator n./v.calculate./现分 calculating//calculating machine
call sb.//call on sb to do sth.//He is called Jack.//a boy called Jack=a boy named Jack//call on sb.
camera//It can take photos like a camera.//v.camp//go camping
Canada n./adj. Canadian – a Canadian engineer//n.人Canadian(s)
cancel v.//pp.cancelled
candle n.蜡烛/candles//the lighted candle
canteen//in the canteen
capital./the capital of China
captain n.
car//take a car=in a car=by car
care v&n//with great care=carefully/take care//care v./I don’t care about money.//care for=take care of//adj.more careful//adv.more carefully//n.carefulness/反careless/carelessly//carelessness
carry v./carried//carrying//carry water//carry passengers
case /cases// in case of
catch/caught/catching/catches/catch a bus-miss a bus/catch the ball /catch a cold-have a cold/catch up with sb./I can’t catch him.
cause n./the cause of illness/causes/v.
cause/ The fire was caused by carelessness.
celebrate v./celebration/celebrate one’s birthday
cent/cents/a 20-cent note
centre=center//lie in the center of the city
century//centuries//in the twentieth century
certain//certainly=of course=sure //at certain time
chair n./chairs
chance n.//He has no chance to win.//by chance
change //change one’s mind//Here is your change/Shanghai has changed greatly.=There have been great changes in Shanghai.=Great changes have taken place in Shanghai.
changeable//changeable weather
channel//on Channel 8
charge n.//take charge of//be in charge of /be in the charge of
charity/charities/charity performances/ charity organization



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需要根据学校的具体要求和教育局的一些相关文件,在就诊的医生那里开取医学证明,证明你不适合参加体育比赛。 资料拓展:2018年中考免考政策规定 考生持相关证明,填写《初中毕

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